Saturday, January 31, 2009

Parkinson's Disease and CoQ10

Why CoQ10? Antioxidant Extrodinaire for mitrochondrial chain disruption?

Why Parkinson's which is much about disability in transfer?

The Electron Transport Chain (ETC) produces ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) the main energy storage and transfer molecule in cells. A number of studies have shown lower levels of function in the cell's Electron Transport Chain in Parkinson's patients than in healthy controls.

CoQ10 is part of the ETC. It is directly involved in energy production for the body. It is found in almost every cell, located on the inside of the cell membrane. CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant because of its ability to transfer electrons.

In the Electron Transfer Chain, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a transport agent which can carry electrons from one reaction to another. As a coenzyme it is found in two forms. We're concerned with it as an oxidizing agent. When reduced the reaction forms NADH. In cells NAD+ is either made from scratch from tryptophan or aspartic acid from food sources as vitamin B3 or Niacin. (Niacin is involved in DNA repair.)

On the inner membrane of the cell, electrons transfer (handoff) from NADH to CoQ10. CoQ10 transfers those electrons and thus acts as an antioxidant. It is found primarily in the inner membrane of mitochondria as part of the ETC and participates in aerobic cellular respiration; it generates energy in the form of ATP. The highest concentrations are found in the heart and the liver because they have the highest energy requirements.

CoQ10 is used widely as a dietary supplement to possibily prevent or treat a number of diseases including congestive heart failure, cancer, Parkinson's, ALS, migraine headaches, high blood pressure and genetic mitrochronial disease. There is controversey over these uses among members of the medical profession. Some say it is not proven by double-blind testing and others question the design and dosage used.

CoQ10 is used in low doses for life extension to reduce oxidation and DNA double strand breaks. CoQ10 shares a pathway with cholestrol. A CoQ10 precusor, Mevalonate is inhibited by some beta blockers and statins. Some doctors recomend supplementing with CoQ10 if you are taking statins or beta blockers.

CoQ10 is not easily absorbed in the body. The higher the dose, the lower the percentage of absorbtion. CoQ10 has a half-life of 33 hours. Soybean based capsules increase availability, as do the cis-trans-isomer processed form of the supplement since it provides over 99% natural CoQ10 or Ubiquinol. Natural food sources include herring and mackeral.

It was the Dr Clifford Shultz etal PD study in 2002 which indicated that the optimal effective dose was 1200 mgs per day which resulted in 44% fewer mental and physical disabilities than the control group.

I've been taking it for six years now, if I'm late or miss a dose my body always tells me.

If you would like additional information about places which carry the trans-isomer form, please contact us.



  1. COQ10 Vitamin is also called as Coenzyme Q10, vitamin Q or ubiquinone. It is godd for health. Ya it helps to treat Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, to get supple young skin, reduces wrinkles, improves hair texture, prevents gum disease. But lactating mothers are advised to not consume the supplements of CoQ10. Also, a set of 200mg a day should not be crossed as it can cause nauseous feeling and loose motions.

  2. Actually, my husband is taking 1200 mgs with good results. I take 300 mgs per day and would increase that except there are only limited $$$ in the supplement budget.
    There are no established guidlines which limit the mgs of CoQ10 at this time. We feel that some of the studies have not been effective because the dosages were too low.
    There certainly have been successful gum disease studies using a CoQ10 topical cream.
    Taking COQ10, Vitamin E and Vitamin C together might be more effective as the E & C appear to work synergistically.
    My husband has not had nausea or "loose motion" issues at 1200 mgs nor have I at 300 mgs.
    I think that each person needs to find a dosage level which works for them. If they meet with no visible success, it does not mean that there is no effect since the effect could be to slow progression a tad but they may not see symptomatic relief as Steve does with his tremor.


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