Friday, February 5, 2010

Parkinson's Disease Events for Winter-Spring 2010

You can take part in these PD events in a variety of ways: by donation, in person, at home, on-line and by phone.
We talk, we read, we share - here are some events where we can join together.

PAN Forum on February 17, 2010
On February 17 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST
Parkinson's Action Network (PAN) will host a live, online broadcast featuring presenters
who will discuss the latest in Parkinson's disease research and policy
Additional information will be made available after registration

April is for Parkinson's Awareness while the tulips bloom
Parkinson's Awareness Month - April 2010 - US and Canada
Parkinson Society Canada
Parkinson's Awareness Week UK April 20-26th 2010
Parkinson's Disease Society
World Parkinson's Day April 11th 2010

PD Expert Briefings
Tuesday February 23, 2010 1:00pm EST
length: 1 hour
Nutrition and Parkinson's Disease
led by Christine C. Tangney, Ph.D., F.A.C.N., C.N.S
Associate Professor, Clinical Nutrition
College of Health Sciences, Rush University Medical Center

Coming events sponsored by the Parkinson's Disease Foundation:
What's in the Parkinson's Pipeline?
Tuesday April 20th 1:00 pm ET
David G Standaert, PH, PhD
John and Juanelle Strain, Professor and Vice Chair of Neurology
University of Alabama
Sleep Disorders and Parkinson's Disease
Tuesday, June 1 1:00pm ET
Joseph Friedman, MD, Clinical Professor of Neurology
Brown University

From the National Parkinson Foundation
Young Onset Parkinsons Conference  March 12-13, 2010 in Sacremento, CA 

Parkinson's Disease Walks scheduled for 2010 
The Parkinson's Unity Walk
Sunday April 24th 2010
New York, NY
The American Parkinson Disease Association, Inc

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