Thursday, May 14, 2009

Parkinson's Disease Community: Stem Cell Guideline Input Deadline Only 12 Days Away

Now is the time to make your voice heard by using your keyboard

This is easy. On May 2rd we posted the links to both the NIH comment submission form and the Parkinson's Action Network suggested wording template letter to the National Institutes of Health. If you haven't submitted a comment, you have only 12 days remaining to do so.

We thought you might be interested in that the ISSCR, International Society for Stem Cell Research had to say to their scientists in their Draft NIH Human Stem Cell Guidelines Comments Information letter distributed recently.

Consider that all constructive input helps. There is concern that members of the scientific community who are inundated by paper may not take advantage of this window of opportunity. So it is time to forward the PAN and the ISSCR letters to the people we know in scientific fields. Perhaps your doctors would like a voice. The request might come better from you than an organization.

Don't forget, this isn't just about Parkinson's disease, it is about cancers, diabetes, kidney disease, ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease, multiple sclerosis, catastrophic spinal cord injury, heart disease, retinal disease, arthritis, burn victims and many others. It is about the potential to save not only the living but the quality of life. In the long run, it may also be about being able to cut health care costs and prevent the death and suffering of countless lab animals.

In order to be counted you need to click on the article link and in it you will find the next links. The time is here, let's move forward.

Interesting reading

1 comment:

  1. I encourage you to visit to see how together, with Sen. Arlen Specter we can unstrangle the cure and medical innovation. I have hope that the CAN Act will help to ease the pain of families across the nation.


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