Friday, November 14, 2008


When I discovered that DynaCirc CR 10mg was available again, I felt the weight of an interminable wait lift. I called the pharmacy immediately, picked it up and was ready for the next day.

I've been back on DynaCirc for three days now. The down feeling I experienced every day about an hour after taking Nefidipine is gone, as well as the light headedness that often drove me go back to bed for a couple of hours.

My polyuria, urinary frequency, increased while I was on Nefedipine and off Dynacirc. Now it's becoming less frequent - returning to normal for a man of my age.

I am told that my mood has improved and some mental energy seems to have returned. This may be from the relief of returning to DynaCirc or it may be a a direct consequence of the medication. I do get tired earlier in the evening but that was something I experienced before.

I'll continue to report on my progress in a few days. For the time being I am being required to do some work around the house. I also have to exercise more diligently as instructed by both my wife and the staff at the Aqua Therapy Center.


  1. anxious to hear how the rest of the week goes for you now that you are back on DynaCirc; I know you must be very happy about being able to take it again! Hugs b'nana

  2. It's been about a week now and I feel pretty much like I did when I was on Dynacirc before. So that is exciting. I hope you are far away from the fires in LA. I watched for a while using KCAL's web site. Horible! makes our 1st winter snowfall seem unimportant.

    Take care



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