Saturday, June 20, 2009

Parkinson's Disease as seen in "My Father, My Brother, and Me"

PD may seem depressing but there is hope and motivation

For those who missed it last February when it aired on February 3rd, here is a link to the PBS Frontline video of Dave Iverson's story of Parkinson's disease, My Father, My Brother, and Me.

The video speaks for itself.

You might also like to read the transcript of an online interview which Mr Iverson gave the day after the program aired.

As we await for information from 23andMe, we wonder if there is a similar genetic relationship to the Scandinavian LRRK2 genetic mutation. We already know that there have been several possible environmental triggers.

Have a good weekend - we're going to be enjoying the adventures of Rita and Harry, the antics of Mingus and Coltrane, the interaction of Mongo and Blakey with the Corgis as the cats are now venturing into their presence. And of course visiting with Lois. Right now we're watching the video together.


  1. We've posted the link to the VADLO research cartoons - it is near the bottom of the right column.

  2. Hello please Join my yahoo group I would love to have you and your friends as well. God Bless you. Here is the address, Thank you so much.


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