Thursday, March 12, 2009

Google Founder Gives PD Patients Opportunity for Easy Genetic Testing

Genetic Research Opportunity for Parkinson's Disease Patients
23andMe, Inc a personal genetic company together with the Michael J Fox Foundation (MJFF) and The Parkinson's Institute and Clinical Center (PI) announced on March 12th, 2009 that it was launching an initiative program in which it will enroll 10,000 individuals with Parkinson's disease on a first come - first served basis in a research program which will allow online information gathering about patients with the genotyping of participants.
Although the cost for such a program is normally $399.00, the program has been underwritten by Google co-founder Sergey Brin whose mother has PD. Mr Brin discovered through 23andMe that he has a genetic disposition for Parkinson's. The cost to participants through either MJFF or PI will be only $25.00.
For those who want to be a part of this wonderful opportunity, you can enroll at the Michael J Fox Foundation website:
To link to the press release by MJFF:
To link to the full press release with additional information:

Addendum:  The study may still be open, so even though it is 2010, you may not be too late - it is certainly worth a click or two.


  1. This seems like an excellent opportunity to contribute. It may also be a chance to learn more. Steve enrolled as soon as we found the link.


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