The Sunshine arrived from Georgia last week. The Corgis trotted into the backyard on their little legs, big-hearted dogs in short bodies, wide grins on bright faces, ears at full alert. Their mother, our daughter, brought the grand-dogs for a visit.
Our dogs have been together may times and are comfortable being together. Harry is even willing to cede a bone or a spot on the bed to these affable but smiling fellows.
The house has been a bit noisier since their arrival as well as a bit stressful for our feline contingent because Mingus seems to enjoy chasing cats and Coltrane thinks he does. Mongo has retreated to the basement, coming up for meals or when he hears us all drive away to exercise therapy - yes, the Corgis pile in with Rita and Harry while their mom goes to catch up with old friends.
The house has been a bit noisier since their arrival as well as a bit stressful for our feline contingent because Mingus seems to enjoy chasing cats and Coltrane thinks he does. Mongo has retreated to the basement, coming up for meals or when he hears us all drive away to exercise therapy - yes, the Corgis pile in with Rita and Harry while their mom goes to catch up with old friends.
Blakey, semi-undaunted, still comes into the office to ask his mother to bring in the dogs when they are outside barking. He watches cautiously as the dogs come in waiting to see if a chase will ensue. Is he going to be herded into a corner?
It's nice to have a focus other than PD. Thanks to Lois her dogs are well-behaved adoration. Thanks to their heritage they are so sweet your teeth hurt. One or two words and they move away from the Parkinson's shuffle.
It's nice to have a focus other than PD. Thanks to Lois her dogs are well-behaved adoration. Thanks to their heritage they are so sweet your teeth hurt. One or two words and they move away from the Parkinson's shuffle.
However, the little tri-color, Coltrane, our precious baby, doesn't hesitate to attack his brother in search of a dropped morsel. Then the house erupts as the sounds of a dog fight resonate from the kitchen. We rush in - separate the Corgis and peace is restored. Persistent little guys.
At the family brunch on Sunday, Aunt Jan found a huge lump - no, really it was the size of a small tennis ball - nestled in the folds of Trane's neck. We had no idea what it was there but he didn't react in pain and appeared to have plenty of skin to accommodate it getting larger...which it did. The situation didn't seem to call for the emergency vet so there was nothing to do but wait for Monday morning. What could it be? How had we missed it? Had it developed that rapidly?
We had the answer by dinner that evening. Once again from the kitchen came the horrid mini-dog fight yells mixed with pain sounds. We found Rita holding Coltrane down on the floor. He had obviously made the mistake of picking on the wrong dog(s) Oh yes, there were bloodstains on his hair from the single puncture wound just above that big ball in his neck. Peroxide was poured, bloody coat was cleaned and the process repeated 30 minutes later this time followed by antibiotic cream when his mother returned while Blakey watched the procedure with curiousity.
The next morning Coltrane was a champ at the vet's. Sure enough it was an abscess from an undetected puncture - probably received on Friday or Saturday - began to swell Sunday - was drained on Monday by a vet he had never met. That didn't phase him. This was just another adventure.
At the family brunch on Sunday, Aunt Jan found a huge lump - no, really it was the size of a small tennis ball - nestled in the folds of Trane's neck. We had no idea what it was there but he didn't react in pain and appeared to have plenty of skin to accommodate it getting larger...which it did. The situation didn't seem to call for the emergency vet so there was nothing to do but wait for Monday morning. What could it be? How had we missed it? Had it developed that rapidly?
We had the answer by dinner that evening. Once again from the kitchen came the horrid mini-dog fight yells mixed with pain sounds. We found Rita holding Coltrane down on the floor. He had obviously made the mistake of picking on the wrong dog(s) Oh yes, there were bloodstains on his hair from the single puncture wound just above that big ball in his neck. Peroxide was poured, bloody coat was cleaned and the process repeated 30 minutes later this time followed by antibiotic cream when his mother returned while Blakey watched the procedure with curiousity.
The next morning Coltrane was a champ at the vet's. Sure enough it was an abscess from an undetected puncture - probably received on Friday or Saturday - began to swell Sunday - was drained on Monday by a vet he had never met. That didn't phase him. This was just another adventure.
He came trotting into the house bloodied but smiling after his veterinary visit. According to his proud and relieved mother, he was better behaved for the draining than the clean up. Took his antibiotics and was ready to head outside - 104 degree fever and all.
So what's the point? These tough little guys show lots of fight and many smiles in the face of adversity.
So what's the point? These tough little guys show lots of fight and many smiles in the face of adversity.
They bring a smile to everyone who meets them. You gotta love 'em.
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